Knitting  Donating

Promoting  Tagging 



Teaching  Driving 

Delivering  Sharing 


*Join the knitters--if you bring some chunky yarn and needles, we will even teach you to knit or crochet at a Knit Night and to create a scarf to give out to someone with the tagline, “I made this for you.” If you want our team of scarf-makers to distribute your scarves, we will even pick them up and deliver them to our members so they can be appropriately distributed..

*If you know how to knit or crochet and would like to teach others your skill, join us at a Knit Night and have fun while you spread your talent. Check out the calendar on this website to learn more.

*If you have a vehicle with four-wheel drive, help us pick up older adults on cold days, and take them out to deliver scarves. And make sure you have a bag of scarves in your car throughout the year to individually give out as a random act of love and kindness to the people whose lives you touch.

*Volunteer to tie STW cards into scarves that have already been made. Help us bag scarves at each Knit Night, too!

*Donate yarn to our organization knowing that it will be put into the hands of people who will find purpose through their creative work. If you have a “stash” of extra yarn that you would like to donate or if a loved one has passed on to you a stash of yarn that you are looking for a good home for, look no further! Our organization will ensure that this yarn is used in the best way to make a difference in countless lives.

*Tell others about this organization, and as you do, you will be “spreading the warmth” in the best possible way.

For more information on joining any of these activities, e-mail us at


    Your tax-deductible donation can be MADE THROUGH PAYPAL BY USING THE BUTTON ABOVE,

OR A CHECK CAN BE sent to:

We are Spreading the Warmth Inc.  10506 Countess Drive 

Dallas, Texas 75229